Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I had to laugh

"Twilight: a young woman's journey as she chooses between bestiality and necrophilia"
-comment by BrianSierk on an article on some website I'm too lazy to link to.

Random time! :D

I saw this in a comment on an article comparing Bella from Twilight to Katniss from The Hunger Games and just had to post it somewhere. I almost posted it to Facebook, but didn't because it probably wouldn't go over too well.

But, yeah, I just really like this.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Road to Nowhere

I started my new job today at a lobster plant near home.

I have no complaints with the work itself, from what I saw today it's mostly going to be data entry and filing and stuff like that (things I've done before).

If I have one problem with this new job it's this: the building where I work is in the ass-crack of fucking nowhere.

It takes about 40 minutes to get to my work from my house and maybe the last 10 or 15 minutes of that drive is on a shitty paved road and then a shitty gravel road full of potholes. And turns everywhere! (this whole town was built on a fucking turn, I guarantee it... my kingdom for a straight stretch of road)

Driving wasn't too bad today, but when the weather starts to get really shitty, as the weather around here often does in the winter, I'm gonna start having some major problems on my drive (most of which stem from me being neurotic, but that's nothing new).

I cringe when I think about how that road's gonna be when it's covered with ice and/or snow. And I know that the snowplow probably won't be down that way too often since it's basically back roads. The paved road is in bad need of repair, and the gravel road just needs to be paved.

And the potholes, sweet fuck! There's hundreds of them, and there's almost no way to miss most of them because they're all over the road and camouflaged so you don't see them until you're practically driving through them.

My parents better take a good look at our van now, because I don't know what kind of shape it'll be in after I'm finished working for the season.