-My manga collection is slowly growing. I'm up to about 40 books now, including a copy of Beyond My Touch that's a different size from my other books, which is going to drive me nuts.
-Speaking of my collection, I'm gonna need a new shelf. The one I have now is getting full.
-A few weeks ago, I had a presentation at school where I had to bring in someone of a certain age group. My age group was infancy, so I brought in my baby cousin. Went great, everyone loved her. Also, she's already turning a year old next week. Holy shit time flies.
-I finally got an R4 card, and I'm lovin' it! It is much better to play games on an actual DS than on a computer. More stable and the audio doesn't skip and static. The graphics don't go all wonky either.
-I got a copy of the new Pokémon game (Soul Silver) and I played a bit of that. The only problem with that is that the copy I have is in Japanese, so I can read it, but I have no idea what anyone is saying. Kinda puts a damper on things.
-I went to visit my high school today, I had to go talk to the principal for something. Anyway, they remodled some of the place and switched some rooms around. It was really weird to see everything totally different. I haven't been there since I graduated back in June. It was odd.
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