Tuesday, October 6, 2009



I am angry, as you can maybe tell. My laptop crashed. After a few months of routine freezing, the stupid thing just ups and quits. It would not start.

Dad took it to Future Shop where we found out that the hard drive was shot. We also found out that they can't get my stuff back.


So I lost everything, basically. I even lost stuff I've been saving up for years because one of my flashdrives went wonky and I moved all my stuff to my laptop to keep it from being deleted.

That didn't turn out so well.

All my stuff is on the hard drive, but no one can get to it. So it's basically gone now. Yipee.

All I have left is whatever I backed up in July the last time we had to send the stupid thing in.

I bought an external hard drive with the purpose of putting stuff on it, but I just never got around to it. I hate it when I do that.

So I lost my SIMS pictures, again, my finished picture/art things, all the picnik pictures I did, a bunch of stories, various organizing things, some videos, and various other things that I found important.

My parents don't care that I lost all this stuff because all they're concerned about is the schoolwork that I had on there. I don't care about the schoolwork. I was finished with most of it and the rest I could get back. Most of the other stuff was irreplaceable.

I am pissed, and I have no one to complain to.

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