Monday, June 22, 2009

Oh Hell

This is gonna be one hell of a busy week.

Graduation week (dun dun dun DUN!!)

Tomorrow is mass practice, Wednesday is the mass and Thursday is the graduation and prom. It's going to be extremely busy this week, and I hate busy.

Yesterday was my grad party. According to my mother, there were 70-something people that came. Wow.

And my cousin from America came down for the weekend! Yay!

And then she left last night! Not yay!

This weekend was busy though. There was always something cooking on the stove for the party and there was a bunch of people wandering around.

For the party we had lots of food and live music and a few people got up and danced. But everyone mostly just sat around and talked. I had a good time.

And I got to hang out with my cousin!! We played Uno a lot... even during the party... with waterproof cards! Yeah, how cool are we?

Anyway, this week is gonna be busy. I hate busy. Bleh.

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