Thursday, September 8, 2011

Memories of Europe

I have a deviantArt account. I've had one for about five years now, I actually got it a few months before I started this blog.

Anyway, in May 2007 I went to Europe on a school trip and I was gone for 10 days, and then I came back, and I haven't really spoken about it since (except to say that it was fathoms better than my Ottawa trip). So I went through the pictures I took while I was there and I picked out a bunch of them and I'm in the process of editing them on picnik and uploading them to deviantArt under a series title of 'Memories of Europe'.

They're pictures I took, mostly of scenery and buildings and stuff, and in the artist's comment (underneath the picture) I'll sometimes include a little anecdote from the trip related to the picture.

It should be interesting and I have quite a few things to talk about.

The deviantArt folder is here and it's all organized backwards so that the first picture is at the end of the gallery.

So go over there and check it out if you're interested in what went on in Europe and to see some pretty cool pictures.

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