Friday, April 27, 2012

4000$ Education

So yesterday I did my first day of work as a teacher's aide for a child with special needs (subbing only).

It wasn't too bad, actually. The school was the same as ever, the kid was great, lunch was fish (bleh), and everyone took me seriously.

I also get the feeling that I spent two years in college, and almost 4000$, training for a position which I probably could've done just as well without the college. That was a bit weird. The child didn't really have any severe needs, and the staff didn't really tell me anything about her. I just got a schedule telling me what usually went on when, and that was it.

Maybe it's different with a child with higher needs... I dunno.

Anyway it was pretty good... and I got a cupcake out of it so that was awesome (whipped cream frosting, yo).

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