Monday, September 23, 2013


My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer today (well, lymphoma technically, but everyone knows what's going on here).

Nothing's happening. It's all very calm around here.

When I imagine scenarios like this on my own time I always pictured more emotionally charged conversations and tears and chaos, basically. Clearly I watch too many movies. (My Third Star DVD is mocking me... I really need to get out more.)

Nope. Nothing.

I'm assuming it's because this just happened. And it's treatable, therefore she apparently has a good prognosis.

But it's still fucking cancer.

When I think of people I personally know that have had cancer, four people immediately spring to mind. Three of them are dead now (one of them assured us that it was treatable).

And it's just so fucking quiet around here.

Surely something is supposed to be happening right now.

I'm not exactly sure what my emotions are doing right now. Or what they're supposed to be doing.

Surely there are instructions for this somewhere.

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