Saturday, May 30, 2009

TGIF... Yesterday

I can't believe that it's only been six days since I first heard the news of the loss of Mme Jolene. It seems like a lot longer. Or maybe it's supposed to feel like that, I'm still new at this grief thing.

Today was the funeral. It was beautiful, especially at the end when almost everyone in the church started singing I Will Remember You. (Also, this was the first time that I actually understood that song.) It really wasn't what I expected a funeral to be like. I didn't really know what to expect though, this was the first funeral I've ever been to and I haven't seen very many on TV so... I'm starting to think it was a ploy to get me to willingly attend a mass, but, whatever.

I didn't cry today like I did Thursday. Strange. My eyes watered and my nose ran, but I didn't sob like the other day. Different atmosphere I guess. I really teared up at the sight of other people crying, and when Mme Jolene's mother started wailing. It was quite heartbreaking.

But at least the week is nearly over. I know that Mme is still gonna be dead next week, but it just seems like it'll be better next week. Or maybe I'm just weird like that.

I'm still gonna miss Mme, and so is everyone else upstairs. We will always love her and we'll never forget her.

RIP Mme Jolene.

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