Wednesday, September 24, 2014

So my brother moved across the country last month

  • Don't even ask me how that week was. Just don't. 
  • Living in the arsehole of nowhere is a pretty shit deal when there aren't many jobs around. A lot of locals (especially the younger ones) are having to look elsewhere for employment. Most of the time 'elsewhere' means clear across the fucking country. My dad had to do that when the mill closed a few years ago (or last year, everything blends together these days) and that also was a miserable experience. The difference here, though, is that my dad was doing a fly-in-fly-out deal (two weeks up there and then he'd be back for two weeks) and my brother has moved up there. He's got a job anyway, and hopefully he'll be down for Christmas. (I don't even want to know what'll happen if he isn't.)
  • Also this summer I got a chance to hang out with one of my cousins in a way we haven't for years. And, um... I think I know why we haven't really hung out for years. My cousin is great, really, and I love her to death, but it became really obvious this summer that we are really different people. Really, I've always known that, but this summer just highlighted it. Though I get the feeling that most of the problems came from me being absolute shit at socializing. I dunno, it's weird. I'd really like things to be like they were when we were kids, but people eventually must go different ways (middle school has taught me this, unfortunately). Eventually I'm sure I'll figure out socializing and we'll be able to hang out together and interact like normal people do... whatever that means.
  • I turned 23 this year and the main thought I had on my birthday was that another year had gone by and I had absolutely nothing to show for it and had done nothing with my life; which is the exact same thought I had last year when I turned 22. If that isn't the most pathetic thing than I don't know what. When I was a kid I had thoughts and dreams about what high school and college and adult life would be like, I have been sorely disappointed by my experiences so far.
  • I've taken up knitting recently... like last week or so. I've knitted before, a bit, when I was a kid so I wasn't a complete stranger to it. That might be why it didn't take me long to pick it up (don't even talk to me about crochet). So far I've got three new scarves and a baby blanket. There is, sadly, no baby for the blanket (but there is also no job, no partner, and no house either, so that's to be expected really).
  • The wool for the baby blanket is hella soft though, which is literally the only reason I even bought the wool. SO. FUCKING. SOFT.
  • Along with the no job thing, my unemployment ran out and I don't have enough work hours to open a new claim. Fuck. LUCKILY THOUGH! I interviewed for a job at a local daycare that's opening (though I'm not entirely sure this would be my first choice if I had other options, definitely not really something I wanna be doing in the long term, OH WELL), not sure if I'm actually gonna get it since I don't really have the correct training and I'm pretty sure I fucked up the interview in a dozen different ways (one of my answers to 'tell me about yourself' was to tell them literally that there wasn't really much to tell... there really isn't much to tell about me, not without completely fucking up the interview at least).
  • There are potential teacher's aid positions opening up at both local school boards, so there's something. Hopefully. But then seniority. So fuck.
  • Also the French school board might have a temporary opening in the library (yay) because the current librarian, who is also my aunt, has cancer (not yay).
  • Why is everyone getting cancer? Fuck cancer.
  • Had a day of work at the English school board today. First one of the school year. The Terry Fox Walk was today, which I didn't find out until I got to the school. I'm not sure my ankles have even bothered to forgive me yet. I'm almost afraid of tomorrow.
  • Also: fucking morning bus duty. I have it again on Friday and hopefully will go much better than it did this morning. Fucking anxiety.
  • Oh well, getting paid. Also my car insurance price went down a bit, so, yay :D.
  • Also yesterday was kind of a shit day, but Sherlock fanfic generally makes things marginally better in a cheering-up sort of way. Except for the angst fics, they don't tend to help much. Especially the post-S3 stuff. Christ this fandom can do angst, like fuck though.
  • Speaking of Sherlock... NEW SHERLOCK SET WITH BLU-RAY AND DVD AND OUTTAKES AND DELETED SCENE AND FEATURETTES AND OH MY FUCK WANT!!!  It ended up costing 180-something$ by the end but WHATEVER WANT (I ordered it before my unemployment expired so... also it's only being released in November so paying for it won't hurt so much by then... hopefully... I need a job).
  • Also with things I bought: TWO TICKETS TO NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE FRANKENSTEIN ENCORE SHOWING WITH BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH AND JONNY LEE MILLER!!!! YES PLEASE!!! It's finally playing again in a theatre a reasonable distance away from my house (how sad is it when an hour-and-a-half away is considered reasonable). The last time was when it was playing about 3-4 hours away about two years ago. Anyway, I booked tickets for both showings (they're only showing once each) and I AM NOT MISSING THIS TIME GODDAMMIT!!! I AM GONNA SEE THIS ON THE BIG SCREEN SO HELP ME FUCK!!!
  • God I need a job.

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