Wednesday, February 5, 2014

And A Happy New Year

Well. That was a long break.


Not much to report on though.

Christmas and New Years have come and gone and they were holidays spent well with family and friends. Way too much money was spent on Christmas gifts, but we did really manage to surprise Dad with a new TV that he really wanted.

Also I got a hamster kigurumi. Brilliant, that.

Season 3 of Sherlock started on New Years day, and I watched each new episode on livestream as they aired in England. A good season overall, though to be really honest I was a bit disappointed with it. There were things I was hoping for that didn't happen (boo), though there were also moments that were brilliant and I loved and yes more of that please (PARENTS). All in all though, I did enjoy it. Got angst that I did want and angst I did not want, along with the promise of more angst to come.

My grandmother is doing a lot better. She's not as weak as she was a few months ago (she's had a few treatments). She can walk over from her house (with help) now, and she barely has any trouble with the stairs anymore. Also she's staying alone at her place more and more. Progress, y'know.

I went to Hal-Con 2013 back in November. Stayed over at Meaghan's for the weekend and went to the convention with her cousin, who lives in the area. Wasn't as fun as Animaritime, but I enjoyed myself. Also we almost got evacuated because there were too many people in the convention centre, which I found more amusing than I probably should have. Also me and Meaghan went to see Thor 2 in 3D, which was great. 

Staying in the uni dorm was pretty interesting. It's a pretty unique experience and I've never been in a dorm before (and probably won't be again unless I go visit again). They had co-ed bathrooms, and they had bathtubs in. Mind blown. Tiny-ass rooms though. Although I imagine they're a good enough size when you don't have to shove in a cot for visitors. Details.

So yeah, not much else happened. 


Dad fixed up my bookshelves the other day so they don't sag so much in the middle anymore. I had to empty all the books from both shelves and goddamn do I have a lot of books. Even my parents were surprised.

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